Never taking one single breath for granted.... enjoying the journey one day at a time!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Its Summer Time!!

Another school year down. I cant believe its over for reals it seems like it just started!! Landon graduated from preschool. He went to the one at the school where the older two go and it wasn't a mistake! His teachers were amazing, he learned so much and when they did end of the year testing he scored above average and top of class. I am so proud of him and how far he has come. He kept saying he would be sad and miss his teachers but couldn't wait to go to Kindergarten!! and Stefon both finished the year with perfect attendance and Honor Roll. They also had some good teachers. Stefons was amazing! I love her so much she was great with Stefon and taught him so much. He is above grade level in reading and math now. I am stocked because she is moving to 3rd grade next year and requested Stefon to be in her class again. Dax had a sweet teacher who was so patient and kind. She made 3rd grade so fun and taught Daxton so much. We have been really lucky to have good teachers. Here is to a great year.... now off to a fun summer!!



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