Dang the time is going to fast. I feel like I cant take in every single
minute like I'd love to do. Little miss Tiara is growing and changing so
stinking fast. This little lady is also getting so smart. At 8 months
old she can say mama, dada, hi, nigh nigh (for night night), she waves
by by, says mmmmm as she eats and is trying new things and loves to give
snuggles and open mouth kisses. She loves to laugh at her brothers and
play on the floor with them. She loves to sing songs, read books, look
at pictures especially of her angel brother Kael. She will ooh and ahhh
and babble on with his pictures for very long periods of time. Oh how I
wish I knew what they were talking about. She loves to play on the floor
with her toys and is starting to get a bit mischievous so we cant leave
anything by her that she can grab and make a mess of. She is so happy
all of the time and really is such a sweet baby! She is weighing in at
16 lbs. 2 oz and is 37 inches tall. She has moved into 6-9 month
clothes, wears size 2 diapers and size 1 shoes. She has tried in the
last month pears, turkey, chicken, pumpkin, her dad let her have a sip
of peps which she LOVED but I had a huge fit lol and oatmeal. She loved
Thanksgiving and had the cutest little outfit she was the hit of the
show. She still has loved everything I have given her. She had her first bath with out the baby seat and used the sitting up seat which she love and splashed for 30 minutes. She also has enough hair now to wear little bows with out the headband :). This little lady brings so much love and laughter into our home. She is certainly a blessing to us and we cherish every moment we have with her. She is a fighter and a lover and we wouldn't change her for anything. So very thankful for another month with this beautiful little lady!
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