Daxton graduated his final year of preschool I cant
believe he will start Kindergarten next year. He is growing up so quick and is such a smart boy. Hes doing really well at writing his name, knows his colors, numbers and letters. He really enjoyed preschool.
Stefon graduated his first year of preschool. He is very smart as well and enjoyed his first year in. I know
I'm crazy but I send my kids to preschool for 2 years. I love seeing how much they learn and grow!! They had a fun graduation got lots of fun things and got to play at
Nickelcade. Layne and I gave each of the boys balloons and cars from toy story 3 as their present. (It was so sweet the next day they sent them to heaven for their baby Kael) My mom also came and gave them puzzles, coloring books and crayons plus all their stuff the teachers gave them.
Daxton and
Stefon gave each of their teachers a
bouquet of roses to thank them for their hard work this year. What a fun year at preschool cant wait to see what next year brings!!