Friday, November 29, 2013
Thanksgiving 2013
Oh how we are so blessed. We are so lucky to be surrounded by so many people who love us and we love them. We had 3 Thanksgiving celebrations this year. On Sunday we were with my family, on Wednesday we were with friends and on Thursday we were with Layne's family. We did Thanksgiving crafts and played lots of games, we had so much yummy food, memories made, love and thankfulness in the air. We are blessed with a house to live in, warmth, food, water, clothes, toys, mounds of love to go around and many other things. I am so thankful for Tiaras amazing panel of doctors, modern day medicine and the ability for her to live a long, wonderful life. I am so thankful for the wonderful time we had with Kael on earth the memories we made, the lessons he taught us and continues to teach us and the beautiful though that we will all have the chance to be together forever someday. I am so thankful for an amazing job with impeccable pay and benefits to afford us the ability to have the medical coverage we need. We are so lucky to have many friends who are there for us whenever we need them and family who loves us and helps us at the drop of a hat. We are blessed, we are lucky and I couldn't be more thankful. I hope those surrounded by us had a blessed holiday as well. As we move into the Christmas Season may we always remember the reason for the season for without him none of this would possible.
Mommy and Son date night
Last Friday the boys school had a skate night at The Classic Fun Center. The boys really wanted to go and it had been a few months since we went on a mommy son date night so I loaded them up and off we went. We had tons of fun skating, playing on the jungle gym, eating dinner, and dancing the night away. The kids are getting better at skating and really had fun. It was fun to see lots of their friends there and for them to interact with each other and for us to have a night out. I sure love spending time with these kiddos. I am so lucky to be their mama. We had a great night laughing and being together!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Family Pictures
2 weeks ago my sweet friend Amber met us up at Memory Grove here in Salt Lake City to take our family pictures. She did such a great job and we had lots of fun. Its so crazy looking at these pictures thinking that I have 5... yes that's right 5 sweet kiddos. I truly feel so blessed and just love my little family so darn much!! Its so crazy to see how fast these kids are growing up. Looking back it makes me want to enjoy every single second and not take one minute for granted. I am blessed to have this sweet family of mine.
Sun River.
Last weekend Layne and I went on his company service weekend up to Oregon to the beautiful Sun River Resort. It seriously is so amazing and beautiful up there. They always put us up in nice suites, feed us amazing food, have lots of fun entertainment and its always fun to catch up with his co-workers. This time we opted to play in the poker tournament it was so much fun there were 94 people that entered and Layne took 6th place! Since he ranked so high he won a Jam Box. Then at the dinner they do a big raffle and he won a 50.00 American Express gift card. We really enjoyed our time relaxing, playing games, dancing the night away and catching up with friends. We got to sleep in and just take in the beautiful scenery around us. It really was an amazing time. Such a wonderful thing his company does for their technicians to say thanks for all of their hard work through out the year!
Saturday, November 9, 2013
7 months
Seriously time is moving so stinking fast. It seems like the days are running away from us. On Nov 2nd Tiara turned 7 months old. Seriously I cant believe that she is closer to 1 than being a baby. This time is ZOOMING on by. 7 months old Tiara is learning and growing so much. She scoots and rolls to get where she wants to go. She rocks on her knees but isn't quite crawling yet. She says mama, dada and nigh nigh. It is so stinking adorable. She has tried blueberries, peaches, turkey and rice, mangoes, avocados, pears and zucchini. So far I am yet to find something she doesn't like. To help her gain weight we mix her solids with a little bit of rice cereal and she loves it. She is such a good little eater. She is 15 lbs. 5 oz and is 26.5 inches long. This little lady is growing! Along with her height and weight her hair is growing like crazy to. I am loving it and cant wait to do more things with it! She loves to play in her exercauser, sit up and play toys with her brothers, she loves to sing, dance and listen to music. She is a self sitter and can go for 10-20 mins at a time with out falling over, usually she falls over when shes reaching for something that she really wants that is just a little bit far away. She doesn't like to be left in a room alone, when people make to loud of noises or if we take to long getting her food. We continue to be amazed at her strength and beauty. We are so blessed to have her in our lives and wouldn't change her for a thing. She is such a fun, happy loving baby to have around. She is really getting into hugs, kisses and snuggling. I wouldn't have it any other way. We are blessed!
We had alot of fun this Halloween. The trick or treating at my work, pumpkin patch, carving pumpkins and trick or treating, the school parade and trick or treating at the main street in Magna . The kiddos looked so cute and each picked carefully what they wanted to be. It took a really long time ha ha. Landon insisted on being Scooby Doo again even though he was that 2 years ago but he grew so much we had to buy a new costume. Such a silly kid. Holidays are sure fun with so many cute kiddos around. Here are a few pics to document our fun.
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